- White tribal body paint skin#
- White tribal body paint full#
- White tribal body paint mac#
White tribal body paint mac#
Discworld: The Nac Mac Feegle have elaborate clan tattoos. White tribal body paint skin#
Dark is one of the only characters to not have a tattoo (at least until Skin Taker), since he was abandoned as a child before he was old enough to get his.
Renn has three parallel bars on each cheek (the Raven Clan symbol), and gets a special marking when she starts menstruating. He's also given a Mark of Shame on his forehead in that book, when he's formally made an outcast. The scar becomes important when it's revealed in the fourth book that he's clanless, not a member of the Wolf Clan as he'd previously believed.
Torak has two lines of dots on each cheek (the Wolf Clan symbol), with a scar running through one dot.
Chronicles of Ancient Darkness: All people have a clan-tattoo, usually on their face, to signify their clan. At the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark the Hovitos Indians have Tribal Face Paint. Billy, the Native American scout of Dutch's team, is shown applying his facial camouflage in this manner. In Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, when the group finds Jack he has a pattern on that makes his eyes look like they're open when they aren't. She later discovers that it is permanent. In Medicine Man, the natives paint a blue design on Bronx's face. White tribal body paint full#
In Major League, when the Indians are close to winning the division we see a sportscaster dressed in full (sterotypical) Indian gear including a Chief-sized feather headdress and warpaint. The characters in Krippendorfs Tribe use it. In King Arthur, the "Woads" (the film's term for the Picts, non-Romanized Celts from northern Britain) wear blue face and body paint in battle. Real-world facial tattoos from Australasian tribes also appear in "Pacific Journal". Cloud Atlas: The film gives the Valleysmen facial tattoos and the Kona intimidating, skull-like warpaint. Neytiri) wear a different kind when going into battle. In Avatar, when Jake is inducted into the Na'vi they paint his entire body with a white paint of some sort. Also, a doll based on John Smith apparently has an eagle tattoo under his shirt. Pocahontas: The Native Americans do this. In Disney's Peter Pan, the Indian chief and a couple of his warriors wear it, as does the boy Michael while he's their guest. Originally the wearing of vitrum (which could mean woad, a plant that produces a blue dye, or possibly glass, or even "glaze") was attributed by Julius Caesar to southern Britons, the ancestors of the Welsh. note That film in turn based it on popular ideas about the Picts, who preceded the Scots in what's now Scotland. Lord Macintosh from Brave, whose design appears to be a Shout-Out to Braveheart.However, Kida for some reason actually lost all but her first tattoo in the sequel.Also, at the end of the film, Kida ends up gaining more tattoos on her face (one on her right cheek and another on her forehead), as with her new husband Milo Thatch, who gains one on his shoulder. This is especially most noticable with Kida and her father King Kashekhim Nedakh, who both wear this as royalty. The Atlanteans in Atlantis: The Lost Empire have varied designs on their faces.